How to Apply for a Grant

Before applying for a grant it is very important that you read the Criteria page

SPICMA works in partnership with the Local Church more often at a parish or local community level.

It is also open to assisting in projects which build up the capacity of the Local Church as it realises that having an effective partner on the ground is important.

If you wish to apply for a grant, please download the appropriate application form, complete it and return it to us by email or post.

completed form can be emailed to us at:

or send completed form by post to:

P.O.Box 299

A confirmation letter is needed from the Bishop that this project is one approved by the Diocese, or an explanation as to why this is not provided.

In addition it would be helpful to us if you would supply with your application, some photos of the area to be developed and again the same after the project is finished. We require these in order to keep our donors in touch as to how their donations are spent.

Please be aware that we check the authenticity of those making applications.

We will confirm receipt of the Project Form and the date of the expected decision. We normally meet to consider applications every four months.

On Completion of Project

A half page report is required within three months of completion of the project.
It should include pictures showing completion of the work and project.